Sunday 13th October 2024
500m swim | 5km run
The Aquathlon will be on Sunday 13th October 2024 at Kings Leisure Centre, Moat Road, East Grinstead, RH19 3LN
Those of you who have completed it before will know it’s a small, friendly race which is perfect for dipping your toe into multi-sport fun but which also attracts some of the best of local sporting talent looking for one last race before the season ends and the clocks go back.
The race starts at 7:30 am at Kings Centre East Grinstead, where competitors will complete 500m (20 laps) of the pool before heading off on a run round the historic sights of East Grinstead - stopping only to put on some trainers and maybe a t-shirt first!
Afterwards, we'll regroup at the leisure centre for a hot beverage, cake and the prize-giving ceremony.
Sounds like your cup of tea? Entry is the bargain price of £25 (plus £8 for a BTF race pass if you are not a member of the British Triathlon Federation) and is open to anyone aged 15 or over by 31st December 2024. In order for us to be able to prove compliance with insurance requirements, please could youth participants bring official identification which proves your date of birth.
Race Information
This takes place in the reception area of Kings Centre. Registration is open on Sunday from 6:30 to 7:10 am. Unfortunately, we cannot accept entries on race day.
The swim is 20 lengths (500m) of the swimming pool. Our first swimmer starts at 7:30 am and our last swimmer will leave the pool by 8:30 am.
We ask you to estimate your swim time when you enter so that we can seed you. Slower swimmers will start first (giving you more time to complete your run). At the start of the race a marshal will direct you to a swim lane. Each lane will be marshalled, and the marshal will count your lengths. They will indicate to you when you have two lengths to go.
You can do front crawl or breast-stroke. For the safety of other swimmers backstroke and tumble-turns are not permitted.
You’ll be sharing your lane with another swimmer and we do aim to put similar abilities together. If you end up in a lane with a slower swimmer, please tap them gently but firmly on the feet to let them know you want to pass at the end of the length. It’s a good idea to do this twice to avoid doubt. If you end up in a lane with a faster swimmer and they tap your feet, please stop at the end of the lane to let them past.
Transition is directly outside the pool exit. Prior to commencing your swim please leave your run equipment (shoes, race top, race number, sunglasses, woolly hat, etc) in transition.
The ideal clothing is a Tri-suit. If you are going to do more than one event they are worth the investment. These are available online and at shops like Decathlon and price start around £40. They cover legs and upper body in a swim suitable fabric.
For those just dipping your toe, your normal swimsuit is fine for the swim. You can then add shorts and T-shirt as needed. Socks are annoying to put on wet feet, so try running without (before the race) to see if you can go without on race day.
The run comprises of 2 x 2.5km laps of East Grinstead (5km). We have tried to find the flattest route possible through our town. However, there is 18m of climbing – this is found up Kings Street and Christopher Road. This is not a hill, just a slope…